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English Version

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I think you have to wait a few time for translation, all i know it's that Confridin is working on the v2.0 release. Maybe you can have a translation of the v2.0 ^^. Or if you want, you can try to translate by your own means the release v1.1 ;).


I wish you a good holidays,


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I think you have to wait a few time for translation, all i know it's that Confridin is working on the v2.0 release. Maybe you can have a translation of the v2.0 ^^. Or if you want, you can try to translate by your own means the release v1.1 ;).


I wish you a good holidays,


We will begin by translating the texts alone, without touching the esp in a first time.

Then, with the V2.0, we will go back and forth to copy the translated texts.


It should be fun (and I will have much more time to work on that being not in Paris every goddamn day of my week).

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Confridín , SeiKen can you share with me with English texts (that have been already translated)?. i want translate them to my language and then give it to you back so you can insert it in localized version of the mod

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For now, not much has been translated beacause we are working on bug.


It would be useless translating if we have to change dialogues after...

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